The Deckhand's Delight - Salmon Rub

The Deckhand's Delight - Salmon Rub


Product description: Our fish rub blends ten unique spices together to curate the perfect flavor profile that accentuates the taste of wild salmon. With sweet earthy notes of cumin and corriander, hints of citrus and mint, and a subtle tang of chipotle, we think this blend is nothing short of delicious. Many thanks to the creative guidance of Windy at For the Love of Spice who helped to curate this special rub for us!

Size: 12 oz pouch with zip-lock.

Ingredients: Sugar, salt, onion, spearmint, lime peel, orange peel, red bell pepper, chipotle, cumin and coriander.

Recommended Use: Pat portion or fillet dry with paper towel. Lightly drizzle with oil. Shake salmon rub package to mix ingredients. Sprinkle rub over flesh-side of salmon, lightly covering the entire surface. Lightly pat rub into salmon. Bake, pan-sear, or grill to liking.

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